Bienvenu(e)s sur mon blog les fanous.
Ici vous verrez mes oeuvres de tout genres ainsi que des petits conseils "Technique" pour le coloriage ou autres.
Je m'appelle Alison,je viens de Belgique et j'ai 22 ans.
Passionnée d...
All of my artwork is inspired by people, places, movies and TV shows. I have been drawing since 2007 and found my style during my exams. I am a huge fan of all pop culture which is where I get most of my inspiration from. Drawing helps me with my...
I'm not that good and I love harry potter,creepypasta(killers and mystery) and bnha I am Pansexual and I am a Slytherin! I love Draco and harry so dont come at me 🤣💜
I am Simona Balas, an Artist from Central Florida. MFA graduate, I embarked on my creative journey ever since. There are many forces influencing my work, but one of them is nature and everything that provokes it. I strip layers from its advantage...